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Which of the following risks may not be insured by a non-admitted company

What is non-admitted insurance?

Non-admitted insurance companies are not backed/approved by the state, which means: The company is likely not in compliance with the state's insurance laws and regulations. Claims to the company may not be paid if the insurer goes insolvent.

What is non-admitted assets in insurance?

Nonadmitted Asset — an asset that may be accounted for in an insurance company's balance sheet but not allowed to be counted for purposes of calculating statutory capital or compliance with solvency ratios.

What is non-admitted insurance in the UK?

Non-Admitted – for these purposes, this is insurance provided by an insurer but where no local policy is issued. It may also relate to cover provided by an insurer that is neither licensed nor registered to do business in the country where the property or risk is located.

What is a non-admitted insurer in California?

A non-admitted or surplus lines insurance company— is an insurance company allowed to conduct business in. the state of California; however, it is not required to file its rates with the CDI. • It is required to demonstrate its financial stability, reputation, and integrity with the state of California; adhering.

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