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When a guy says yes ma'am

It's just a joking way of saying yes to her. Sometimes nothing's really meant by it. It's just like someone saying “yes lord"… letting you know it's a serious the yes is. Or on the other hand can be a sarcastic way of saying you're acting like you know everything or treated him like he was a child at the moment.

What does yes ma am mean in text from a guy?

What does yes ma'am mean? Yes ma'am is a polite way of affirming something an older or superior woman has said, often used to show sass or excitement in response to something more generally.

What does it mean if someone calls you ma am?

a form of respect for a woman regardless of age or position. In the Southern (southeastern) and Southwestern US, ma'am is used to address any female, regardless of her age or position.

What does Ma Am mean from a guy?

It definitely means that he respects you. He, subconsciously, is underlining that you are the one having more authority. He is submissive to you. But my personal experience is that girls don't like to be called Madam. They take it as something very formal and it is sort of very old fashioned these days.