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Which of the following would result in a lower cash conversion cycle

A higher, or quicker, inventory turnover decreases the cash conversion cycle. Thus, a better inventory turnover is a positive for the CCC and a company's overall efficiency.

What would result in a lower cash conversion cycle?

Typically, the longer you have to pay your bills, the more it will shorten your cash conversion cycle, as it means you're able to hold cash for longer after the sale of inventory.

What affects the cash conversion cycle?

The cash conversion cycle time is dependent on how a business finances the purchase of its inventory, how the business allows its customers to pay (credit terms and collection period), and how long it takes the business to collect money from those sales.

What does a low cash conversion ratio mean?

A high CCR often indicates good working capital management, whilst a low CCR indicates poor working capital management or could suggest poor underlying business performance. The CCR is used in credit analysis, company valuation, and leveraged buyouts (LBO).

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