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Which of the methods do you connect to which media

What are the 5 methods of advertising?

There are four major types of advertisement mediums: print, television, outdoor signage, and digital media advertisements. Print advertisements can be found in publications such as magazines or newspapers.

What are the 4 types of media advertising?

There are traditional forms of advertising, such as newspapers, flyers, radio, and television, and newer forms such as social media and web banner advertising.

What type of media is used to connect previously unconnected devices?

Explanation: Wireless media are commonly used to connect previously unconnected devices to a network. Wireless connectivity methods include the use of electromagnetic signals, radio and microwave frequencies, and satellite links. 6. Which level of the Internet of Things reference model describes data storage?

What are the methods of connecting to the Internet?

This is most common method used in home and office networks. The device e.g. computer connects to a network using Ethernet or WiFi and the network connects to the Internet using ADSL, cable or fibre.

What is a communication medium?

Communication medium refers to the physical channel through which data is sent and received. Data is sent in the form of voltage levels which make up the digital signal. A digital signal consists of 0s and 1s; essentially, a 1 corresponds to a high voltage, while a 0 corresponds to a low voltage.

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