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Which of these groups pays the most for automobile insurance

Does insurance follow the car or driver in South Carolina?

Car insurance usually follows the car in South Carolina. The types of car insurance that follow the car in South Carolina are bodily injury liability, personal injury liability, uninsured motorist protection, collision, and comprehensive.

What characteristics will affect the cost of your car insurance quizlet?

Factors that can affect an auto insurance premium​ are: -Value of the insured​ vehicle: the higher the value of the​ car, the higher the premium. -Repair record of the​ car: the more easily car damage can be​ repaired, the lower the premium. -Your​ age: younger drivers have less experience and pay higher premiums.

Which of the following would not be covered under a personal auto policy?

The Personal Auto Policy may be used to insure all of the following, except: A motorcycle; A motorcycle would not be covered unless added by endorsement.

What are car insurance groups?

Every car belongs to one of 50 car insurance groups, which band cars from the cheapest to the most expensive to insure. It starts with group one (the cheapest) and ends with group 50 (the most expensive) – and the more powerful, expensive and rarer your car, the higher the group it will be in.

Which cars cost insurers the most in insurance claims?

Cars in the highest groups, typically high performance models, are likely to cost insurers the most in insurance claims. Insurers may use the panel's recommendations in their calculation of car insurance premiums, or they may choose to use their own groupings.

Do men pay more for auto insurance?

Rates will vary depending on where you live, the type of vehicle you drive, your age, the type of coverage you need, and several other factors as well When determining which gender pays more for auto insurance, insurance companies look at several historical factors, such as the tendency of male drivers to get in more accidents.

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  1. which group pays the most for car insurance
  2. what car insurance does aaa offer
  3. what cars are in what insurance groups
  4. what is the highest insurance group for cars
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