Is Instagram safer than Facebook?
Instagram has fewer privacy controls than Facebook, but there are settings you can adjust if you want to exert some control over your information. You can't keep data collected by Instagram away from its parent company, but you can adjust how certain information is used.
Why Instagram is more popular than Facebook?
1. Instagram Is More Mobile-Friendly. Given that it was a mobile-only platform for many years, and its narrower array of content types, it's no surprise that Instagram is a better mobile experience than Facebook. Facebook has come a long, long way in this regard, but Instagram is made for the phone, period.
Which is more popular FB or Instagram?
Social Media Statistics 2022 Summary\n\n Facebook has 2.9 billion MAU (monthly active users). Instagram has 1.4 billion MAU. Twitter has 436 million MAU. Pinterest has 444 million MAU.
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