What are the components of darkroom?
The essential components of a darkroom are a stable, flat, level place for your enlarger to sit and a platform, preferably a sink, for holding your trays for processing your prints. While a large, deep sink is ideal, a table or countertop is adequate as long as there is nearby access to running water.
What are the 3 most common darkroom chemicals?
The three basic chemicals are (1) Developer (2) Stop Bath and (3) Fixer. Mix these with the appropriate amount of water and store them in your bottles. Photographic Paper. Photographic paper is sensitive to light and should be handled only in a darkroom with the correct safelight.
What equipment is necessary for the darkroom?
What Equipment Do I Need to Set Up a Darkroom? To develop your own film, you need a set of cylindrical developing tanks, along with reels for loading undeveloped film. Some tanks accommodate a single film size while others handle several types of film. A darkroom enlarger prints the image onto photographic paper.
What is a dark room in radiology?
Dark room should be near the x-ray examination area. The room must be capable of being made completely light proof to avoid film fog and should be well ventilated. The wall should be constructed of solid concrete (15 cm thick), have a lead box inside to store boxes of unexposed films currently in use.
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- dark room components
- basic darkroom equipment