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When and how did eadweard muybridge capture motion in photography?

To better showcase his discoveries, Muybridge invented the zoopraxiscope in 1879, a device that is credited as the first moving picture projector. Operating with rotating glass discs, the zoopraxiscope projected images onto each other in rapid succession, creating the illusion of movement.

Did Eadweard Muybridge capture motion in photography?

Photographer Eadweard Muybridge uses high-speed stop-motion photography to capture a horse's motion. The photos prove that the horse has all four feet in the air during some parts of its stride.

How did Eadweard Muybridge contribute to the development of motion pictures?

Muybridge invented the zoopraxiscope in 1879, a machine that allowed him to project up to two hundred single images on a screen. In 1880 he gave his first presentation of projected moving pictures on a screen to a group at the California School of Fine Arts, thus becoming the father of motion pictures.

In what year did Eadweard Muybridge conduct his motion photography experiment with a racehorse?

In 1878, Muybridge developed the process for making rapid sequences of photographs of motion. He used electrical triggers in order not to jar the camera in the act of releasing the shutter. This process allowed for methodical, reliable, and repeatable images.