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Which p is most important in marketing mix

Price: The Most Important P in the Marketing Mix.

Which element of marketing mix is most important?

Although the product is the most important part of the marketing function, it needs other elements intertwined in order to succeed, such as promotion, place, and price.

Why price is the most important P in marketing?

The 3 extra Ps are Process, Physical Evidence, and People. I'm going to agree with Andrew Fowler and also suggest that the most important P is People. Not just in service marketing but in all business to business marketing. In consumer marketing the customer relationship tends to be with a brand.

What are the most important P?

The product is the most significant pillar in the marketing strategy. You deliver a particular product to the particular audience at a particular location so that it satisfies their needs and demands.

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  1. what is the most important p in marketing
  2. what is the most important p among the 4 p's of marketing
Which p is the most important in marketing

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