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Which parties are left wing uk

  • Alliance for Workers' Liberty.
  • Anarchist Federation.
  • Communist Party of Britain.
  • Communist Party of Britain (Marxist–Leninist)
  • Communist Party of Great Britain (Marxist–Leninist)
  • Communist Party of Great Britain (Provisional Central Committee)
  • Communist Workers Organisation.
  • International Socialist League.

Which parties are left and right UK?

More recently, left-wing and right-wing have often been used as synonyms for the Democratic and Republican parties, or as synonyms for liberalism and conservatism, respectively.

What parties are in the left wing?

Right-wing parties include conservatives, Christian democrats, classical liberals, and nationalists, as well as fascists on the far-right.

What is the left-wing party in the UK?

What are the different types of British left parties?

Are UK political parties on the left-right spectrum?

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  1. which parties are right wing uk
  2. which parties are left and right wing uk
  3. which parties are liberal uk
  4. which parties are left wing
Which parties are right wing

Which parties are right wing uk

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