What is the release model in SAFe?
The Agile Release Train (ART) is the primary value delivery construct in SAFe®. The Agile Release Train is a long lived, self-organizing team of Agile Teams, a virtual organization (5 to 12 teams) that plans, commits, and executes together.
Which of the following is part of release on demand?
Decoupling deployment from release helps to reduce risk, and makes any issues more likely to be found before they hit actual users. Decoupling processes doesn't mean that doing those deployment steps first need be particularly slow or time-consuming either.
Why is it important to decouple deployment from release in SAFe?
Pairing has two developers work the same change at the same workstation. One serves as the driver writing the code while the other as the navigator providing real-time review and feedback. Developers switch roles frequently.
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