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When can babies go home from nicu

They may be placed in an incubator to help keep them warm and then moved to a crib when they are able to keep their temperature at a normal level by themselves. Your baby will need to be in a crib and having a normal temperature for at least 24 hours before going home.

What is the earliest a NICU baby can go home?

The earliest a baby can go home is 35 weeks gestation, but I usually advise parents to expect to go home close to their due date. If they get to go home earlier, it's a bonus.

How long do babies have to stay in the NICU?

How long will infants remain in the NICU? How long infants remain in the NICU depends on the severity of their illnesses. The average length of hospital stay for newborns into a special care nursery is 13.2 days. However, infants born earlier than 32 weeks into pregnancy stayed for an average of 46.2 days.

When can a preemie go home from the hospital?

Although about half of all preemies will experience health issues requiring special care, a 2016 study in the American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology reported that fewer than 5 percent of babies born at 34 weeks or later face major complications, and many can go home within a few days.