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When can I sue my employer for injury

Should I Sue My Employer for an Accident at Work Injury? You have the right to sue an employer if you are injured in an accident at work and the incident was caused through their negligence or because of a mistake on the part of a work colleague.

Can I sue my employer in CT?

Can you sue your employer in CT? Yes. If your employer has violated your state employment rights under the Connecticut Fair Employment Practices Act (CTFEPA) or other state employment statutes, then you need to hire employment lawyers from Carey ɪmp; Associates P.C.

How long after a work injury can you sue in California?

Statute of limitations refers to the time limit within which a lawsuit must be filed. In California, the statute of limitations for personal injury claims is generally two years from the date of the injury.

How long do I have to sue for work related injuries in Florida?

Statute Of Limitations For Workers' Compensation Claims\n\n Florida law prohibits filing a workers' compensation claim or trying to file a lawsuit for personal injury from a job-related injury two years after the injury has occurred.

Can you sue your employer for negligence in Florida?

Negligence claims are generally barred by the workers' compensation system. One important exception involves intentional harm. If an employer or supervisor intentionally causes harm to an employee at the workplace, they may be found liable for your damages. However, it can be challenging to prove intent in these cases.