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When can preemie babies come home

37 weeks and beyond Your baby might be ready to go home before their expected birth date. But it might take longer if your baby has had surgery or an illness. The hospital will have health, growth and development goals for your baby to meet before you can take them home.

When can a NICU baby go home?

They may be placed in an incubator to help keep them warm and then moved to a crib when they are able to keep their temperature at a normal level by themselves. Your baby will need to be in a crib and having a normal temperature for at least 24 hours before going home.

At what weight can a preemie come home?

But, it's important to know that 34-week-old infants will probably need to stay in the hospital for one to two weeks in the Newborn Intensive Care Unit. In long-term follow-up, these infants do very well and usually are as healthy as non-preemies.

When do 34 week preemies come home?

Depending on their condition, premature babies often stay in the hospital until they reach the pregnancy due date. If a baby was transferred to another hospital for specialized neonatal intensive care, he or she may be transferred back to the home hospital once the condition is stable.