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When can you claim compensation for a power cut

You must claim within: 3 months for an unplanned cut. 1 month for a planned cut where your electricity network operator didn't give you 2 days' notice.

How long will food last in a freezer without power UK?

Food should keep for between 4-6 hours in the fridge and 15-24 hours in the freezer if you can avoid opening it. It's especially important if you are unwell, less mobile or very young to keep warm.

How close is the UK to blackouts 2022?

Big Zero Report 2022\n\n Britons have been warned they might face blackouts between 4pm and 7pm on really, really cold winter weekdays if European countries cut gas exports to Britain.

How do I claim compensation from SSEN?

Customers who are eligible for a refund for accommodation should book the accommodation and meals directly and retain all receipts which should then be sent to SSEN for reimbursement via a dedicated web link. All claims will be processed for reimbursement promptly once full restoration has taken place.

How do I claim storm Arwen compensation?

Customers eligible for this additional payment don't need to do anything to claim - this will be a proactive payment to customers, paid automatically to those eligible.