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When can you purchase an annuity

Yes, you may invest in an annuity at any age. There are usually few or no lower age restrictions. Purchases of annuities, on the other hand, do have certain minimum and maximum ages. These limits are different for each annuity type and product.

How early can you buy an annuity?

There is no federally set minimum age for buying an annuity. Some companies will only sell annuities to individuals after they turn 40. At Canvas, we believe that it's never too early to start saving for retirement. That's why we sell annuities to anyone over 18 years old.

Can I buy an annuity before I retire?

Consumers can buy an annuity at age 40. Most annuities have no minimum age limitations.

Can I get an annuity at age 40?

How much does a $100,000 annuity pay per month? Our data revealed that a $100,000 annuity would pay between $448 and $1,524 monthly for life if you use a lifetime income rider. The payments are based on the age you buy the annuity contract and the length of time before taking the money.