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When can you refinance a mortgage

14 sept. 2020 · In most cases, you may refinance a conventional loan as soon as you want. You might have to wait six months before you can refinance with the ...

Can you refinance your mortgage at any time?

You can refinance your mortgage at any time, but it's usually best to wait until your term ends to avoid any prepayment charges.

How long after getting a loan can you refinance?

Whenever you refinance a loan, your credit score will decline temporarily, not only because of the hard inquiry on your credit report, but also because you are taking on a new loan and haven't yet proven your ability to repay it.

Does refinancing hurt your credit?

A rule of thumb says that you'll benefit from refinancing if the new rate is at least 1% lower than the rate you have. More to the point, consider whether the monthly savings is enough to make a positive change in your life, or whether the overall savings over the life of the loan will benefit you substantially.