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Who assigns sic codes

What is a SIC code?

Standard Industrial Classification (SIC) codes are four-digit numerical codes assigned by the U.S. government that categorize the industries to which companies belong, while organizing industries by their business activities.

How do I match SIC codes to my customers?

Step 1: Match SIC codes to your current customer list Step 2: Analyze the results to determine the SIC Codes that contain the most customers, and even your best customers Step 3: Based on the analysis, use the data to target similar companies that are classified in the same SIC Codes as your top customers. How Do I Find My SIC Code?

How do I update my SIC code?

The SIC Code that you originally selected while filling out the application will usually remain as your primary SIC Code for that agency or organization. Therefore, you will need to contact the agency or organization directly to update your SIC code.

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