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Who can give full title guarantee

What is full title guarantee?

Full Title Guarantee means on the basis that the covenants implied under Part 1 of the Law of Property ( Miscellaneous Provisions) Act 1994 where a disposition is expressed to be made with full title guarantee are deemed to be given by the Seller ( on behalf of the relevant Share Seller or Business Seller) on Closing;

Can a landlord give a Title Guarantee when granting a lease?

A landlord may give a title guarantee when granting a lease, but this is rare in practice. For the purposes of this Practice Note, we refer to the parties to the transaction as the seller and the buyer and the document effecting the disposition as the transfer.

Can a buyer Sue a seller for breach of Title Guarantee?

It is normal practice for the seller to provide covenants for title, in standard form, by selling with “full” or “limited” title guarantee, in accordance with the Law of Property (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act 1994. The effect of this wording is that, following completion, the buyer can sue the seller for breach of the title guarantee.

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