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Who control crypto price

Bitcoin's price is primarily affected by its supply, the market's demand for it, availability, competing cryptocurrencies, and investor sentiment. Bitcoin supply is limited—there is a finite number of bitcoin, and the final coins are projected to be mined in 2140.

Where does crypto get its value?

Like any currency, cryptocurrencies gain their value based on the scale of community involvement. Cryptocurrency gains value if the demand for it is higher than the supply. When a cryptocurrency is useful, people want to own more of it, driving up the demand. Since people want to use it, they don't want to sell it.

Is crypto controlled by anyone?

A cryptocurrency is a form of digital asset based on a network that is distributed across a large number of computers. This decentralized structure allows them to exist outside the control of governments and central authorities.

Who manages the crypto market?

Government\n\n Government regulations have been one of the most significant factors influencing the cryptocurrency market. Unlike stock exchanges, where prices can be relatively stable due to some rules, the cryptocurrency market is still in its infancy.