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Who covers my injuries in a car accident

Car insurance typically pays for treatment of car accident injuries until the available coverage limits are exhausted, and then your health insurance usually kicks in to pay for what's left.

Who pays for medical bills in a car accident in Florida?

How Are Medical Bills Paid After a Car Accident? In a car accident, who pays the medical bills is a function of the parties' insurance. Florida is a no-fault state, which means that if a car accident occurs, both parties can file a claim with their respective auto insurance companies to receive compensation.

What is the most common injury in car accidents?

Whiplash. This is one of the most common types of auto accident injuries. Whiplash occurs when the head is quickly jerked forward and then backwards, snapping the neck as a whip would be cracked. In general, whiplash can damage the ligaments, tendons, facet joints, discs, and/or muscles in the neck.