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Who developed trait leadership theory

What is Carlyle and Galton's Trait Theory of Leadership? Notable trait-based theorists are Thomas Carlyle (1795 - 1881) and Francis Galton (1822-1911). Their ideas, published in the mid-1800s, did much to establish and reinforce popular support for trait-based leadership thinking then and for many years afterwards.

What is trait leadership theory?

The trait theory of leadership suggests that certain inborn or innate qualities and characteristics make someone a leader. These qualities might be personality factors, physical factors, intelligence factors, and so on.

Where did the trait theory of leadership originate?

History of research. The emergence of the concept of trait leadership can be traced back to Thomas Carlyle's "great man" theory, which stated that "The History of the World [...] was the Biography of Great Men" (Carlyle 1841, p. 17).

Who developed the trait model?

Gordon Allport's trait theory: Trait theorist Gordon Allport broke down personality characteristics into three main categories: cardinal traits, central traits, and secondary traits.

What is Carlyle and Galton's trait theory of leadership?

Carlyle and Galton\n\n They believed that leadership was a trait of extraordinary individuals, they suggested that these traits were entrenched and could not be developed.