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Who earns more software developer or network engineer

The average base salary of a network engineer is $90,020 per year . However, it may vary based on the location of the company, your educational background and work experience. The average base salary of a software engineer is $93,950 per year .

What pays more networking or programming?

The average salaries for networking and programming professionals also differ. For example, computer programmers make an average of $47,294 per year . Meanwhile, network specialists make an average of $59,476 per year .

Which is better software engineer or network engineer?

The difference between networks and software leads to the difference in required skill sets between network and software engineering. Network engineers tend to focus more on problem-solving in their roles, whereas IT pros with more creative mindsets may prefer software engineering.

Who makes more software developer or engineer?

Software Engineers ...\n\n Generally earn higher salaries. Exercise a little more creativity. Conduct more analysis. Work on projects that can be more limited in scale.

Which network engineer gives highest salary?

Network Solutions Architect\n\n Network Solutions Architect or Network Architect is one of the highest-paid jobs in the Networking Industry.