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When did exercise become popular

Nineteenth century In the mid 19th century the world saw the rise of physical culture, a movement that emphasized the importance of physical exercise for men, women, and children alike.

When did workout become popular?

However, if you trace the data back you would see that everything fitness started to become more popular in the 1970s with things like jogging and jazzercise classes. Going back further than this, physical exercise goes back centuries before we had all these fancy machines and weights.

When did people start exercising for fun?

Fitness fanatics increased dramatically during the 1980's, for reasons no one is certain. Workouts were developed of all styles and types in order to achieve that much-wanted buff bod that everyone seemed to strive for at the time. Much of these workouts were considered to be 'fads' and died off rather quickly (phew!).

Why was fitness so popular in the 80s?

Favorite Workouts of the Time\n\n "The 1970s was the beginning of jogging as a popular activity," says Levine. "Before then, you would almost never see people running on the street or in the park." "Towards the end of the '70s, Jazzercise appeared and people started signing up for group classes," he said.