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What is another name for an emergency medical responder (emr)

In the US the term "Emergency Medical Responder" has largely replaced the term "Certified First Responder" or "Medical First Responder" beginning in 2012. "Emergency Medical Responder" or "EMR" is an EMS certification level recognized by the National Registry of Emergency Medical Technicians.

What is another name for an emergency medical responder?

An Emergency Medical Technician (EMT) is trained to provide emergency medical care to the critically ill and injured. Depending on where they work, EMTs may be solely responsible for the treatment and transportation of their patients, or may assist a paramedic, nurse, physician or other advanced life support provider.

What does EMR stand for in first aid?

Emergency Medical Response (EMR) | Red Cross.

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  1. what is another name for an emergency medical responder (emr)
  2. who is an emergency medical responder
  3. what is an emr first responder
  4. medical first responder vs emergency medical responder
  5. emergency medical responder definition
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