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What is art with words called

Word art or text art is a form of art that includes text, forming words or phrases, as its main component; it is a combination of language and visual imagery.

What is text art called?

Text art, also called ASCII art or keyboard art is a copy-pasteable digital age art form. It's about making text pictures with text symbols. As we now live in informational societies, I bet you've already encountered those ASCII-painted pics somewhere on Internet.

What do you call the art of working with text?

But what exactly is typography? Simply put, typography is the style or appearance of text. It can also refer to the art of working with text—something you probably do all the time if you create documents or other projects for work, school, or yourself.

Can art include words?

Letters and words aren't only used pictorially art – for the shape, texture and detail they can add to an artwork. Artists also use words linguistically – in a way that we might associate more with literature – to create narratives.

What is text based art?

A simple definition of text-based art might read: "art that includes words or phrases as its primary artistic component". Text-based imagery featuring words and phrases has appeared in a variety of different media including painting and sculpture, lithography and screenprinting as well as applied art (T-shirts, mugs).

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