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What is assurance

  1. a positive declaration intended to give confidence; a promise."he gave an assurance that work would begin on Monday"synonymes : word of honour, word, guarantee, promise, pledge, vow, avowal, oath, bond, affirmation, undertaking, commitment, troth, parole
  2. confidence or certainty in one's own abilities."she drove with assurance"synonymes : self-confidence, confidence, self-assurance, belief in oneself, faith in oneself, positiveness, assertiveness, self-possession, self-reliance, nerve, poise, aplomb, presence of mind, phlegm, level-headedness, cool-headedness, coolness, calmness, composure, collectedness, sangfroid, equilibrium, equanimity, imperturbability, impassivity, nonchalance, serenity, tranquillity, peace of mind, cool, unflappability
  3. insurance, specifically life insurance.synonymes : insurance, indemnity, indemnification, protection, security, surety, cover, coverage, guarantee, safeguard, warranty, provision

What is the term assurance means?

Assurance refers to the high degree of certainty that something is accurate, complete, and usable. Professionals affirm these positive assurances after careful review of the documents and information subject to the audit or review.

What does assurance mean in business?

Assurance plays a key role in protecting and promoting sustainable, long-term value. Whether it's building trust and confidence through audit, helping companies tackle climate change reporting challenges, or supporting integrity in business, Assurance helps us to build a better working world.

What is the role of assurance?

Audit refers to the techniques and procedures used to obtain evidence. Assurance is what is obtained as a result of the audit procedures performed.


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What is assurance engagement in audit

What is assurance engagement in auditing