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What is bank stick

Banksticks are extendable poles that are pointed on one end and have a female 3/8 British Standard Fine thread on top. They are driven into the ground and used to hold your rod while fishing. Anglers use them to hold threaded bite alarms and rod rests that cradle their rods.

What thread is used on fishing bank sticks?


What is a buzz bar in fishing?

Buzz Bars. Buzz bars are extremely useful additions to your bank stick set up. They allow you to enjoy a compromise between bank sticks and rod pods, as they give you the ability to fish with a goal post setup.

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[PDF] contents - Next Generation Tackle

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[PDF] PRODUCT RANgE - Next Generation Tackle

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  1. bank stocks
  2. what size bank sticks
  3. what thread is a fishing bank stick
  4. what size thread is a bank stick
  5. what thread is used on fishing bank sticks
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  7. what is a purpose of a bank
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