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What is business speculative risk

Speculative Risk — uncertainty about an event under consideration that could produce either a profit or a loss, such as a business venture or a gambling transaction. A pure risk is generally insurable while speculative risk is usually not.

What is speculative risk example?

Gambling and investing in the stock market are two examples of speculative risks. Each offers a chance to make money, lose money or walk away even. Again, do not equate gambling and investing on any other level than as both being a speculative risk.

What is an example of speculative?

based on a guess and not on information: The article was dismissed as highly speculative. His theory is too speculative for most of his colleagues to accept at this point.

What is speculative and pure risk?

Whereas pure risk is beyond human control and can only result in a loss if it occurs, speculative risk is risk that is taken on voluntarily and can result in either a profit or loss. Speculative risks are thus considered controllable risks.

Why speculative risks are insurable?

Speculative risk has a chance of loss, profit, or a possibility that nothing happens. Gambling and investments are the most typical examples of speculative risk. The traditional insurance market does not consider speculative risks to be insurable.

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  1. what is an example of a speculative business risk
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