What is CBS report for?
A CBS Credit Score is a four-digit number based on your past payment history on your loan accounts. The score range from 1000 to 2000, where individuals scoring 1000 have the highest likelihood of defaulting on a payment, whereas those scoring 2000 have the lowest chance of reaching a delinquency status.
Who can access my CBS report?
Only Credit Bureau (Singapore) and other MAS-approved institutions participating in Credit Bureau (Singapore) can have access to a consumer's credit report. The purpose for such access is restricted to the assessment of credit-worthiness of the consumers, and further disclosure to any other person is prohibited.
What is the CBR report?
The purpose of the Comparative Billing Report (CBR) is to show provider specific billing pattern data in comparison to peer groups within your state and the CGS jurisdiction. This information is helpful in conducting education and self-audit activity.
What are the 4 categories on a credit report?
These four categories are: identifying information, credit accounts, credit inquiries and public records.
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[PDF] Response-to-Feedback-on-Credit-Bureau-Regulatory-Framework
Response-to-Feedback-on-Credit-Bureau-Regulatory-Framework www mas gov sg/-/media/MAS/News-and-Publications/Consultation-Papers/Response-to-Feedback-on-Credit-Bureau-Regulatory-Framework-and-Credit-Bureau-Bill pdf The list of respondents can be found in the Annex responses are highlighted in this document Credit Bureau (Singapore) Pte Ltd (“CBS”)
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- what is cbs credit report