What are claims in Azure?
Claims in Azure AD\n\n When a user signs in, Azure AD sends an ID token that contains a set of claims about the user. A claim is simply a piece of information, expressed as a key/value pair. For example, email = bob@contoso.com .
What is user claim?
A claim is a statement that an entity (a user or another application) makes about itself, it's just a claim. For example a claim list can have the user's name, user's e-mail, user's age, user's authorization for an action. In role-based Security, a user presents the credentials directly to the application.
What are claims in a token?
Claims are the contents of tokens. In essence this means that the claims in the token become the API or contract between the OpenID Connect provider and the Client. The Client is configured to be allowed to receive a certain set of claims.
What is a claim in Active Directory?
A claim typically consists of an Active Directory user attribute, such as the user principal name (UPN) or email address. A security token bundles the set of claims about a particular user in the form of a Security Assertion Markup Language (SAML) assertion.
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