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What is classed as an aid for PIP

Points can be awarded if an aid or appliance is needed to carry out a daily living or mobility activity. The aid or appliance might improve, provide or replace an impaired physical or mental function. Examples include: modified cutlery, grab rails, incontinence pads, a walking stick or wheelchair.

What counts as an orientation aid PIP?

28 Mobility Activity 1 refers specifically to orientation aids, which are defined as specialist aids designed to assist disabled people in following a route, for example long canes.

What is the difference between an aid and an appliance?

Four points\n\n You have an anxiety or panic attack. You have a breakdown or meltdown.

How many points is anxiety for PIP?

You might be able to get Personal Independence Payment (PIP) if you need extra help because of an illness, disability or mental health condition. You can make a PIP claim whether or not you get help from anyone.

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  1. what is classed as an orientation aid for pip
  2. what is classed as an aid for dressing and undressing for pip
  3. what is considered an aid in pip
  4. what conditions are covered by pip
  5. what can i claim for when on pip
  6. what can you claim for if you get pip
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