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What is collateral credit

Collateral is an asset that a lender accepts as security for extending a loan. If the borrower defaults, then the lender may seize the collateral.

What does collateral mean in credit?

Put simply, collateral is an item of value that a lender can seize from a borrower if he or she fails to repay a loan according to the agreed terms. One common example is when you take out a mortgage. Normally, the bank will ask you to provide your home as collateral.

What is an example of a collateral?

When you take out a mortgage, your home becomes the collateral. If you take out a car loan, then the car is the collateral for the loan. The types of collateral that lenders commonly accept include cars—only if they are paid off in full—bank savings deposits, and investment accounts.

Why do banks ask for collateral credit?

Collateral is an asset or form of physical wealth that the borrower owns like house, livestock, vehicle etc. It is against these assets that the banks provide loans to the borrower. The collateral serves as a security measure for the lender.

What does collateral mean?

noun [ U ] us. /kəˈlæt̬·ər·əl/ valuable property owned by someone who wants to borrow money, which the person agrees will become the property of the lender (= person or business that lends money) if the debt is not paid back: She put up her house as collateral for the loan.

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