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What is commercial insurance in medical billing

Commercial health insurance, also called private health insurance, is coverage issued by a private company or entity. It is not from government-issued insurance like Medicare or Medicaid. Commercial health insurance companies include: Aetna.

What is the meaning commercial insurance?

Commercial business insurance is coverage for businesses and corporations, generally designed to cover the business, its employees and ownership. Since there are so many types of businesses with different needs and situations, commercial insurance can come in many shapes, sizes and colors.

What are the 4 most common types of commercial insurance?

A commercial payor refers to publicly-traded insurance companies like UnitedHealth, Aetna or Humana, while private payor refers to private insurance companies like Blue Cross Blue Shield.

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  1. what is commercial insurance medical
  2. what is billing in insurance
  3. what is insurance in medical billing
What is commercial insurance medical

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