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What is considered a company director

A company director is one of the employees within a group of managers who maintains a prolific role within an organization and usually has the higher role within an organization. This is mainly because they decide on how to control the business and also make the final and key decisions.

How do you define a company director?

A director is an elected individual who, along with other directors, is responsible for a company's corporate policy. Collectively, directors form the board of directors.

What is difference between CEO and director?

A CEO comes after the Board of Directors in the organizational structure. A Managing Director comes under the authority of the CEO. A Chief Executive Officer is not responsible for the organization's day-to-day affairs. A Managing Director is responsible for the daily business of the organization.

Who can be a director of a UK company?

A director must be 16 or over and not be disqualified from being a director. Directors do not have to live in the UK but companies must have a UK registered office address. Directors' names and personal information are publicly available from Companies House.

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  2. can i be a director of a company
  3. what disqualifies you from being a company director
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