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What is considered a good cash conversion cycle

What is a good Cash Conversion Cycle benchmark? Although you should target a shorter cash-to-cash cycle time, the benchmark for this metric is between 30 to 45 days in general, according to APCQ's benchmark research.

What is an acceptable cash conversion cycle?

What's a good cash conversion cycle? A good cash conversion cycle is a short one. If your CCC is a low or (better yet) a negative number, that means your working capital is not tied up for long, and your business has greater liquidity.

What is a good cash-to-cash cycle?

Generally, the cash-to-cash cycle time benchmark is 30 to 45 days — and the fewer days, the better it is for small companies that do not have the cash flow to allow for longer payment periods.

What is a good CCC value?

A high cash conversion ratio indicates that the company has excess cash flow compared to its net profit. For mature companies, it is common to see a high CCR because they tend to earn considerably high profits and have accumulated large amounts of cash.


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  4. what is a good cash conversion cycle ratio
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