What is a decent hourly wage in Canada?
Is $25 an hour good Canada?
Earning more than $25 an hour can help you make your life great. That's why, for many people who want good-paying jobs, $25 an hour is the minimum goal to meet. Finding a job that pays $25 per hour or more can make the difference between just getting by and actually getting ahead.
What is considered a decent hourly wage?
The national mean salary in the United States is $56,310 according to the National Compensation Survey. That works out to be $27 per hour. So in order to be above average, you have to earn more than $28 per hour. Why not be way above average and find a job that pays $30 more than the average hourly salary?
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- what is a good hourly wage in canada
- what is average hourly wage in canada
- what is the average hourly pay in canada
- what is the average hourly rate in canada
- what is considered good hourly wage