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What is considered contemporary art

Strictly speaking, the term "contemporary art" refers to art made and produced by artists living today. Today's artists work in and respond to a global environment that is culturally diverse, technologically advancing, and multifaceted.

What are the 7 contemporary art forms?

However, today contemporary fine art is more than just painting and is defined by 7 fine art disciplines: painting, sculpture, architecture, poetry, music, literature, and dance.

What is an example of a contemporary art?

The different types of contemporary art are painting, sculpture, drawing, printmaking, collage, digital art/collage, photography, video art, installation art, land art, (public) intervention art, and performance art.

How do you define a contemporary art?

Contemporary art is the term used for art of the present day. Usually the artists are alive and still making work. Contemporary art is often about ideas and concerns, rather than solely the aesthetic (the look of the work). Artists try different ways of experimenting with ideas and materials.

What are the 3 types of contemporary art?

Four main types of contemporary art are abstract art, minimalist art, pop art, and surrealist art.

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