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What is considered postgraduate degree

A postgraduate is a student who has successfully completed an undergraduate degree level course at a college or university and is undertaking further study at a more advanced level.

Is bachelor a postgraduate degree?

The term 'undergraduate' refers to a Bachelors degree, while 'postgraduate' is used to describe graduate students studying for a second qualification, typically a masters, postgraduate certificate (PGCert) or postgraduate diploma (PGDip).

How do I know if I'm an postgraduate?

Postgraduate courses cover higher-level study, including master's degrees, doctorates (PhDs) and postgraduate diplomas. These typically require you to have completed an undergraduate degree, often with 2:2 honours or higher, before you can study them.

Are all masters degrees postgraduate?

(Almost) all Masters degrees are postgraduate qualifications. But, not all postgraduate qualifications are Masters degrees. In fact, a wide range of other courses are available.

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  1. what is postgraduate degree
  2. what is postgraduate degree means
  3. what is postgraduate degree uk
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  5. is a postgraduate higher than a degree
  6. what is considered postgraduate
  7. is a master a postgraduate degree
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