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What is considered stage 3 colon cancer

Stage 3 colorectal cancer The cancer has spread through the first two inner layers of the colon or rectum wall (mucosa and submucosa) and may have also reached the third layer (muscularis propria). It has also reached one to three nearby lymph nodes, or cancer cells are found near the lymph nodes.

How serious is stage 3 colon cancer?

Stage III adenocarcinoma of the colon is a common and curable cancer. Depending on the features of the cancer, 40-50% of patients are cured without evidence of cancer recurrence following treatment with surgery alone.

What is the life expectancy for stage 3 colon cancer?

While the average five-year survival rate for colon cancer is 64%, if found early, survival rates are as high as 90%; however, with regional and distant spread (Stages 3 and 4), rates drop to 71% and 14%.

Do most people survive stage 3 colon cancer?

Stage 3. Almost 70 out of 100 people (almost 70%) with stage 3 bowel cancer (also called Dukes' C) will survive their cancer for 5 years or more after they're diagnosed.

What is stage 3 colon cancer like?

Stage III colon cancers have spread to nearby lymph nodes, but they have not yet spread to other parts of the body. Surgery to remove the section of the colon with the cancer (partial colectomy) along with nearby lymph nodes, followed by adjuvant chemo is the standard treatment for this stage.

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  1. what is stage 3 colon cancer
  2. what is stage 3 colon cancer survival rate
  3. what is stage 3 colon cancer mean
  4. what is stage 3 colon cancer symptoms
  5. what is stage 3b colon cancer
  6. what is stage iii colon cancer
  7. what is stage 3 bowel cancer
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