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What is continuous trigger theory in insurance

Continuous Injury Trigger — the legal principle, recognized in some jurisdictions, that ongoing or developing injury or damage "occurs" throughout its progress, thus triggering coverage under each occurrence-based policy in effect at any point in that progress.

What does continuous trigger mean?

Continuous trigger theory states that a combination of trigger types – manifestation, exposure, and injury-in-fact – leads to an injury that develops over time. This type of trigger is used to ensure that the insurance company's obligations are not diluted.

What is the triple trigger theory?

Triple Trigger Theory — one approach in determining the trigger on an occurrence. This approach states that all policies in force from the time of initial exposure through manifestation apply.

What is a trigger in claims?

Coverage Trigger — the event that must occur before a particular liability policy applies to a given loss. Under an occurrence policy, the occurrence of injury or damage is the trigger; liability will be covered under that policy if the injury or damage occurred during the policy period.

What is the difference between claims-made and occurrence?

An occurrence policy has lifetime coverage for the incidents that occur during a policy period, regardless of when the claim is reported. A claims-made policy only covers incidents that happen and are reported within the policy's timeframe, unless a tail is purchased.

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