What is futures contract value?
Contract value = Lot size times the Futures price. To enter into a futures agreement, one has to deposit a margin amount, a certain % of the contract value. Every futures contract has an expiry date beyond which the contract would seize to exist. Upon expiry, old contracts cease and new ones are created.
What are contracts in trading?
A commodity futures contract is an agreement to buy or sell a particular commodity at a future date. The price and the amount of the commodity are fixed at the time of the agreement. Most contracts contemplate that the agreement will be fulfilled by actual delivery of the commodity.
What does contract mean in money?
Definition of Cash Contract\n\n A cash contract is an agreement between two parties in which the delivery of goods is involved at a predetermined price and date. Typically, bulk buyers like big companies enter into cash contracts on the spot price of a commodity.
How do you calculate futures contract value?
If the current price of WTI futures is $54, the current value of the contract is determined by multiplying the current price of a barrel of oil by the size of the contract. In this example, the current value would be $54 x 1000 = $54,000.
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- what is contract in trading
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