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What is an example of a declaration of domicile

which place of abode I recognize and intend to maintain as my permanent home and, if I maintain another place or places of abode in some other state or states, I hereby declare that my above-described residence and abode in the State of Florida constitutes my predominant and principal home, and I intend to continue it ...

How do I fill out a Declaration of Domicile in Florida?

You may download a domicile form or obtain one at any Clerk of the Circuit Court ɪmp; Comptroller location. Bring or mail the form to a Clerk's office location to be recorded. You must bring some form of legal identification if you need your document notarized.

Where do I get a Florida Declaration of Domicile?

Do I have to file a Declaration of Domicile to become a Florida resident? No. You don't have to record a Florida Declaration of Domicile in your county to officially become a Florida resident, but it is an excellent way to make your intent crystal clear to Florida and your former state.

Do I need to do a Declaration of Domicile in Florida?

Florida Statute Ꜣ2.17 states that a person can show intent to maintain a Florida residence as a permanent home by filing a sworn Declaration of Domicile with the Clerk of the Courts. You can submit the form with all the requirements by mail or in person at Miami-Dade County Courthouse East.

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