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What is an example of a gherkin keyword

Each Gherkin file begins with a Feature keyword. Feature defines the logical test functionality you will test in this feature file. For e.g, if you are testing a payment gateway your Feature will become Payment Gateway or if you are testing the LogIn functionality then the Feature will become Login.

What are the Gherkin keywords?

We can perform data-driven testing with the help of keyword Examples. We shall also take the help of keyword Scenario Outline to execute the same Scenario over multiple values. The data sets to be taken into consideration shall be passed below the Examples section one after another separated by | symbol.

How do you write an example in the Gherkin?

Gherkin is the format for cucumber specifications. Gherkin is line-oriented language just like YAML and Python. Gherkin Scripts connects the human concept of cause and effect to the software concept of input/process and output. Feature, Background, Scenario, Given, When, Then, And But are importantly used in Gherkin.

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