What does D2 mean on automatic car?
2 (D2) (Second Gear):\n\n Use this position for hill climbing, engine braking on downhill grades, or starting on slippery roads. (Caution: Do not downshift into the 2 (D2)" position other than the speed mentioned in the owners manual.
What is D and L in automatic car?
As with their counterparts today, drivers of early cars with an automatic usually just selected D for Drive when wanting to go forward and then simply left it there. In Drive, the transmission would typically start off in 1st (Low) gear, then shift up automatically to a higher gear or gears as speed climbed.
Should I drive in D3 or D2 or L?
D3 is generally used for city driving, while D2 or L is generally used for off-road driving or when you need to drive through a steep road.
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- what is p r n d 2 l in automatic transmission
- what is d3 2 l in automatic transmission
- what does d mean in automatic cars