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What is Dedicated Host in AWS

Dedicated Hosts provide visibility and the option to control how you place your instances on a specific, physical server. This enables you to deploy instances using configurations that help address corporate compliance and regulatory requirements.

What is difference between dedicated host and dedicated instance?

An important difference between a Dedicated Host and a Dedicated Instance is that a Dedicated Host gives you additional visibility and control over how instances are placed on a physical server, and you can consistently deploy your instances to the same physical server over time.

What is difference between dedicated and shared instance?

Shared will include your instances with other customers while the dedicated model ensures that only your instances will run on those hosts.

How do I create a dedicated host in AWS?

A: Dedicated Hosts have pre-installed virtualization software (Xen or Nitro Hypervisor) whereas bare metal servers do not have pre-installed virtualization software. Bare-metal servers are meant for customers who wish to use their own hypervisor or for applications that need to run in non-virtualized environments.

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  1. difference between aws dedicated host and dedicated instance
What is dedicated hosting

What is dedicated server

What is dedicated server and non dedicated server