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What is deemed cash value

Its deemed cash value (DCV) accumulates like the actual cash value, but under prescribed assumptions. A premium is necessary to the extent it doesn't cause the DCV to exceed the net single premium (NSP) that defines the CVAT corridor.

What is considered cash value?

Cash value, or account value, is equal to the sum of money that builds inside of a cash-value–generating annuity or permanent life insurance policy. It is the money held in your account.

What does it mean when a life insurance policy has a cash value?

The life insurance net cash value is what the policyholder or their beneficiary has left over once the insurance company deducts its fees or any expenses incurred during the ownership of the policy. There are several options for accessing funds.

Can cash value be withdrawn?

You can typically withdraw money from the cash value in your life insurance policy without paying taxes on it—as long as the amount withdrawn doesn't exceed the amount you've paid in premiums thus far.

What is the difference between cash value and surrender value of life insurance?

Generally, the difference between cash value and surrender value is the difference between the charges associated with an early termination of the policy. If a policyholder cancels before the end of the surrender period, the policyholder likely won't receive any of the cash value amount.

[PDF] 1137008pdf - Internal Revenue Service

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  2. what is the definition of cash value
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