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What is defined as a cure

: recovery or relief from a disease. Her cure was complete. : something (such as a drug or treatment) that cures a disease.

What is considered a cure?

Treatments can include medicine, therapy, surgery, or other approaches. A cure is when a treatment makes a health problem go away for good.

Is the meaning of a cure?

a means of healing or restoring to health; remedy. a method or course of remedial treatment, as for disease. successful remedial treatment; restoration to health. a means of correcting or relieving anything that is troublesome or detrimental: to seek a cure for inflation.

Does cure mean forever?

Cure versus remission\n\n A cure means that the cancer has gone away with treatment, no more treatment is needed, and the cancer is not expected to come back. It's rare that a doctor can be sure that cancer will never come back. In most cases it takes time to know if the cancer might come back.

Why is it called cure?

Cure usually refers to a complete restoration of health, while treatment refers to a process or procedure that leads to an improvement in health or the recovery from injury. Cure comes from the Latin word meaning to care, and treat shares Latin roots with words that refer to written documents like treaty and tract.

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  1. what is defined as a curing or existing now
  2. what is defined as a treat
  3. what is defined as a treatment
  4. what is definition of cured
  5. what is the difference between a cure and a treatment
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