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What is an example of a learning target

Learning targets are about the concepts students will understand and the skills they can apply as a result of a lesson. Non-Example: I can work in a small group to read and discuss an article about Westward expansion. Example: I can describe ways that human activities have altered places and regions.

What are the 4 types of learning targets?

WHAT IS A LEARNING TARGET? Learning targets are concrete goals written in student-friendly language that clearly describe what students will learn and be able to do by the end of a class, unit, project, or even a course. They begin with an I can statement and are posted in the classroom.

What is the learning target?

Learning targets are classified into a framework that identifies five kinds of learning targets: knowledge, reasoning, skill, product, and disposition. Knowledge targets represent the factual information, procedural knowledge, and conceptual understandings that underpin each discipline or subject matter.

What are the three learning targets?

Knowledge: I can identify and describe the elements of design in a work of art. Reasoning: I can evaluate the quality of my work in order to refine it. Skill: I can use a air brush to create different effects. Product: I can create a still life oil painting.

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