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What is difference between physical education and physical fitness

Physical activity is bodily movement of any type, while physical education programs (phys ed, or PE) use physical activity to teach children how to establish and sustain an active lifestyle. Both are important for obesity prevention and a student's healthy development.

What is the difference between physical education and physical fitness * 1 point?

Physical education is where students learn to be physically active and physical activity programs provide opportunities for students to practice what they learn in physical education. To learn more about the essential components of physical education visit our page here.

What is the difference between physical fitness and physical?

Both deal with habits of exercise, sleep, rest, and recreation. Since physical well-being is only one aspect of a person's overall health, physical education is often thought of as a part of health education. Health education is an activity aimed at the improvement of health-related knowledge, attitudes, and behavior.

What is the difference between physical education and health education?

Physical education provides cognitive content and instruction designed to develop motor skills, knowledge, and behaviors for physical activity and physical fitness. Supporting schools to establish physical education daily can provide students with the ability and confidence to be physically active for a lifetime.

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